Bird Dog Maple - 750ml
Bird Dog Maple - 750ml
Bird Dog Maple in a 750ml bottle is a distinctive flavored whiskey that combines Bird Dog's craftsmanship with the rich sweetness of maple syrup. Crafted with care and precision, this expression offers a unique twist on traditional whiskey flavors. It pours a warm amber color and greets the nose with inviting aromas of maple syrup and hints of caramelized sugar. The palate delivers a smooth and velvety texture, with flavors of sweet maple, vanilla, and a touch of toasted oak. Bird Dog Maple is ideal for whiskey enthusiasts seeking a flavorful and indulgent drinking experience. Enjoy it neat, over ice, or as a flavorful addition to cocktails. Discover why Bird Dog Maple whiskey is celebrated for its distinct taste and versatility, offering a delightful blend of smooth whiskey and natural maple sweetness.
- Ships to all Puerto Rico
- 30-day return policy
- Guaranteed authenticity
- Low stock - 1 item left
- Backordered, shipping soon