Nobushi Japanese Whisky- 750 ml
Nobushi Japanese Whisky- 750 ml
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Introducing Nobushi "The Spirit of Honor," a meticulously crafted blended whiskey renowned for its exceptional balance and luxurious velvet textures. Aged for 3 to 4 years in American oak casks in the picturesque village of Kiyoka-wa, it embodies a rich, full-bodied profile. Delight in its fruity notes intertwined with winter spice flavors, complemented by subtle hints of caramel and vanilla. Experience the essence of Nobushi—a testament to craftsmanship and dedication to quality. Elevate your tasting experience with every sip of Nobushi Whiskey.
- Ships to all Puerto Rico
- 30-day return policy
- Guaranteed authenticity
- Low stock - 1 item left
- Backordered, shipping soon